Sunday, November 16, 2008

Top UK Veterinary Charity Pulling Out of Crufts

The Daily Mail reports

Britain's leading veterinary charity is cutting ties with Crufts in the latest blow to the world-famous dog show.

The PDSA [the People's Dispensary for Sick Animals] said today it was withdrawing from all Kennel Club events over 'unacceptable' breeding practices and health issues affecting some pedigree dog breeds.

The organisation, which provides free veterinary care for the pets of people in need and has been supporting Kennel Club events for more than 30 years, said its staff were continually confronted by the consequences of pedigree breeding practices, including serious inherited health conditions.

The PDSA action comes less than two weeks after the RSPCA pulled out of Crufts.
Pedigree pet foods also ended its £1.5million sponsorship deal with the dog show, set to be staged next March.

Those moves followed allegations in a BBC documentary that the event promotes canine breeding practices that lead to deformities and illness

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