Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Numbing Numbers

Click to enlarge.

This data is from the U.S. Census Bureau.

Check out the rise of Nigeria, versus the collapse of Russia.

Now look at U.S. population growth.

The projection is that the U.S. will add 112 MILLION people to it population in the next 40 years.

To put that number into perspective, that's a population larger that the entire population of the United States west of the Mississippi today.

And where is this population coming from?

Almost all of it is coming from immigration and the children of recent immigrants. 

When we talk about an "energy crisis" and "unemployment problems" here in the United States, it's worth remembering that both of these problems are greatly exacerbated by our open borders.

You would think that once this country found itself in a hole, it would know enough to stop digging, but you would be wrong. 

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