Thursday, March 1, 2012

Remembering Andrew Breitbart

This is Andrew Breitbart who died of a heart attack today.

This video is from February, so this is not ancient history.

Now a story, and perhaps a small lesson in civics and karma.

You see, "We the People" may end up supporting this man's kids and wife thanks to Social Security Survivor benefits.

It was these same Social Security Survivor benefits that kicked in when a 16-year old by the name of Paul Ryan (now a conservative Congressman from Wisconsin) found his father dead from a heart attack at age 55. 

Paul Ryans and his three brothers and sisters were able to go to college because of Social Security Survivor benefits.

Just last year, Congressman Ryan turned around and attacked Social Security saying current and future benefits (i.e. all the money that most senior citizens actually live on) "will transform our social safety net into a hammock, which lulls able-bodied people into lives of complacency and dependency."


So Paul Ryan is a hypocrite and an ingrate. Surely you are not surprised to find such an animal in Congress?

But never mind.  Let us now turn our attention to the wife and dependent children of another very dead young father -- Andrew Breitbart.

Once again Social Security Survivor benefits will step up if they are needed.

Of course Andrew Breitbart's family can go ahead and decline them.  

In fact, I hope they do, because God knows Andrew Breitbart never showed an ounce of compassion for anyone else.

In the hours immediately following Senator Ted Kennedy's death, for example, Breitbart called Kennedy a "villain", a "duplicitous bastard", a "prick" and "a special pile of human excrement". 

And I guess Andrew Breitbart would know. After all, when it came to duplicitous piles of shit, Andrew Breitbart was the biggest load to ever swirl around the bowl.

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