Couldn't sleep
With tv on in the background, watching very sad
911 stories....
and web surfing
I had a notion about the things
I say...
I write
all day every day
So I went to my sent folder and opened them one by one
since Sept 1st to see my pearls of wisdom.
This is an experiment you all should try.
A little insight into self and how we may be viewed
and how we share..
So here are snippets from emails that I sent to family and friends.
I'll be making an appointment with
a health care professional tomorrow. :D
Copper is hard to watch..makes me nervous.. :D
you're still my bestie
when I like something, I really like it
damn that's cute
After all these many years I am still trying to shape the person I will become. :D .. It's a lot of work!
Ya gotta love Peter O'Toole.
I think we should go to NYC for Christmas....hmmm?
if Halulas was still there on Route 30 I would make you stop and have a rolling rock on me...
If you ever need help or ideas just holler
It feels good doesn't it? I have to get my endorphin rush somehow
you still up?
things ok?
Sorry to hear of your troubles. Sarah filled me in
Are you still jumping up and down?
If I'm awake for one more sunrise I may have to kill myself by sundown.
I had been asleep about an hour @6:36... I'm so tired today I could cry.
certain days I just miss you guys more than I can bear...
other days I just miss you oodles
.....damn I'm old.
Why are you awake? shrug..menoPAUSE!!! Of course you could have called me ..I was reading until 4:15
until then I hibernate in reverse
I am still miserably hot at night. Sheets in a ball by morning lol
I am a fall/winter girl living in the desert....damn.....
I'll take em I'll keep em..and never give them back
we love them, they love us and life keeps on going...
be easy on yourself for awhile
You'll do great. I'm a tiny little speck in your back pocket cheering you on
love you
even though I have no excuse not to do it myself...
no worries... life is a roller coaster
I love me some fall leaves and crisp air
do I hear an amen?
when they discover a pill that will keep you thin, I will be long gone, and am I gonna be ticked off!!!!
for 90 minutes I have been watching 911 stories..what is wrong with me? now I have to go eat pasta....
still watching - now 150 minutes - no pasta to eat. made ham sandwich instead..thank god I have no ice cream..I would eat the half gallon
weeping weeping.....rips through my heart..but watching makes me feel that I have not forgotten, that I am respecting the suffering, the loss, that happened to so many thousands..does that make sense?
I won't leave you there -
Pictures of a puppy will help.
Howie before he became incorrigible.
and yes, one blue, one brown eye
What have you been saying?
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