Thursday, January 24, 2013

Hillary Clinton Is Brave and Smart?

The Herald Sun of Australia has the story:

Hillary Clinton Tries to Silence Bindi Irwin on Population Growth
  • Bindi Irwin submits essay to Hillary Clinton's e-journal
  • 14 year-old says population growth is detrimental to the earth
  • Clinton's e-journal edits out all references to population

To be fair to Hillary Clinton, I am willing to bet cash money she never saw this article, and that the editing comes from some young fool who is all too willing to talk about women's empowerment, but will stand mute when it comes to the actual tools of that empowerment -- basic access to contraception in order to control the number of children in her family, in her village, and in her country.

And yes, as Sir David Attenborough noted just last week, the natural world is not committing suicide, it is being killed by people who are trampling down the Garden of Eden.  Or as Attenborough actually put it:

“We are a plague on the Earth. It’s coming home to roost over the next 50 years or so... It’s not just climate change; it’s sheer space, places to grow food for this enormous horde."

Exactly right. A bit rough, but it damn well needs to be said.

If zoos and wildlife parks are "arks" what, exactly, is the flood? It is PEOPLE.

And, to be clear, the people do not set out to be evil or to destroy nature. But in the absence of access to affordable, effective, easily obtainable and discrete family planning, children come like locusts. 

Bindi Irwin gets it. 

Sir David Attenborough gets it. 

But whoever edits Mrs. Clinton's "e-journal" does not, and that is why she or he NEEDS TO BE FIRED.

We need cowards in the world of public policy like we need rickets and polio. 

If Mrs. Clinton wants to prove she is smart and brave, then  Job One is showing at least one "editor" the door, and Job Two is putting Bindi Irwin's complete essay in the front, and with a supporting essay from Hillary Clinton herself.

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