Thursday, June 10, 2010

Change your World

In the past week, an important topic has arisen again
for me concerning blogging.

Two wonderful women who normally post about lifestyles, gardening and photography have been profoundly moved and disturbed by the recent oil spill. So much so, that they posted in very heartfelt ways their dismay and concerns.

Chania and Erin both wondered about the response to their posts because they normally have lighthearted blogs that do not cover such serious topics. A while back I had posted that I think we as women bloggers shortchange ourselves and each other by limiting what topics we will and won't discuss. Why does a blog have to be restricted to certain tone and topic? I enjoy the flowers and recipes and antiques with the best of them but I also appreciate a kindred soul giving me a wake up call to issues or sharing an unhappy emotional journey.

Tucked in among the roses are thorns and weeds and disgusting bugs,
but it does not make the garden less beautiful. It's OK to deviate from the norm,
take the road less traveled and see where it leads. Just as in life, some days
you are preparing a lovely dinner or luxuriating in the garden,
some days you are clearing the sink trap and scrubbing toilets.

Please visit these two gals, they have important things to show you; they will remind you, just for the moment, about important lessons, and hopefully inspire you to become involved and affect change of your own.

What is important in your view of the world? You are not all about just one thing. You are not just a _______ fill in the blank. Not just a Mom, shop owner, student, wife, career professional, teacher or anything else. At our very core women are natural born multi-taskers. Shouldn't we also multi purpose our blogs at least occasionally? One gal wrote to me the last time I dared discuss this topic with " I come to blogs for retreat from the world, I don't want to hear about anything serious." hmmmmmm.

The world is a wonderful, glorious place. It is also a serious place that we need to care for and protect. One small change from you can change your world,
can change our world.

Next week I am going to announce a change in my blog that all of you can participate in, and I certainly hope you will. The posts of these two gals jump started ideas for me and I will make changes, and maybe you can make changes, and all of us will impact on each other and the ripples and the waves will go forth reminding us of our beautiful oceans in so much peril.

Do something brave today- change your world.


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