Thursday, June 17, 2010

Project Genesis

First Steps
First Love
First Kiss
First Dance
First Time to Drive
First Plane Ride

Firsts are Monumental, Big Time Stuff

1st day you quit smoking
1st day of diet
1st day at the gym

Starting July 1st, I am hoping you will join me in Change.
Changing the way we view the world, and the way we live in it.
We all mean to do the right thing for our world, and often do, but we also often don't;
becoming too busy, too distracted.

Every First day of the month I will be posting simple, effective ways to make environmental change, and linking you to others already in action. I want you to join me. I want you to notice the things you do to make the world a better place,
and I want you to notice the things that we all could do in a better way.
I want suggestions and hints that we can share and use to inspire each other.
Project Genesis
Creating Change One Day At A Time.

I'm hoping for great ideas for recycling, softer ways to impact our planet, and paying it forward stories. I have begun my own pay it forward at the market. Every market I frequent has some kind of 99 cent reusable bag for sale. If the person in line behind me does not use bags like this, I ask the clerk to add $2.00 to my tab and then I give the bags
to the customer as "my gift to them".

Now, I know that it is entirely possible that he/she my not use those bags as I intended, but it does give them pause and the person behind them hears it and the clerk hears it, and 50 % of the time a conversation about the environment begins,
and well, it matters to me.

Maybe you recycle socks some terrific way, or have great tricks for urban composting... I want them, I want them all. Simple everyday actions that we all can use. You only need one idea per month, but oh the power of compounding!
One penny doubled every day for 30 days, is worth:

We are all focused on the oil spill, and as horrible as this is, we have been headed down the wrong path for far longer than the past 2 months. We women bloggers know the power of the post and it is faster than the jungle drums
and the party line phones of the 50's.

After each month's Genesis is complete, it will be stored in my sidebar
for easy retrieval and to copy.

I must add one caveat to your participation:
Although you will be linked to your blog, please do not participate if your sole mission is to promote your latest give-away or to garner Followers. I am hoping participation will be for the greater good, because this matters greatly to us all.
I reserve the right to edit participants.

I will post more about this next week, building to the Project Genesis on July 1st.
Any questions please comment or email me.
I sincerely hope you will participate. Blogging has given me many blessings in the form of truly wonderful friends. I want to give back using this same format.
It is simple act, a single first step to change our world.
Turn and look at a child in your life. Take a step.
Please. Join me.


Grab a button for your blog over there----------->

No you are not seeing things. This post was altered because my dear talented friend
Julie of Being Ruby designed this button for me and created a better title.
See what I mean about blessings from blogging?
Julie, you are amazing and I am humbled by your generosity of
spirit and friendship.

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