Monday, November 7, 2011

Ben Goldacre on Science vs Nonsense

Disappearing base lines, missing data, false causality, biased sampling, faked data, and anecdote presented as evidence.

I see people creating and sucking down this kind of stuff on a daily basis.

For every professional liar and ego-besotted "self educated genius" spinning fables, however, there are at least a hundred people who know too little to separate truth from fiction.

And we wonder why people believe crazy, silly and even dangerous things? Ask a hundred people what an R-squared value is, and see how many get it right!

Of course, the liars are fully aware they are lying, which is why they cut out the data that does not fit, and why they do not move to publish their work in reputable journals.  Extraordinary claims are made, but ask for even ordinary evidence presented to people who are qualified to judge it, and see who runs for the trees!

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