Thursday, January 12, 2012

Newt Gingrich Goes to the Dogs Over Romney

Newt Gingrich is an ego-besotted hot-air balloon full of toxic gas, and to underscore that point he has decided to resort to the very ugly tactic of showing clips of his political opposition, Willard Mittens Romney, talking to press, public and politicians.

Is a mirror cruel?   Of course.

Ugly?  To be sure.

Mean spirited?  To the core.

I mean, my God, Gingrich even brings up the fact that candidate Willard Mittens Romney strapped his terrified, shit-caked dog to the roof of his car and drove it to Canada!

Now the dogs themselves are getting into the act (how catty!), going so far as to create a Facebook page entitled "Dogs Against Romney." 

I think this is a bit much. 

I mean sure, Romney strapped his own dog to the roof of a car and drove him to Canada, only stopping every once in a while to wash the diarrhea and terror out of the crate, but it's not like the dog lost his job because Romney's company, Bain Capital, bankrupted it, boned out its divisions, and sold the equipment and jobs off to the Chinese

And it's not like Romney worked to squirrel away millions of dollars offshore in the Cayman Islands to avoid paying taxes, is itHe didn't do that did he? Who says so? Not him! Only ABC News.

But NO, you cannot look at candidate Romney's tax records. People who make $10 million  $50 million  $100 million  $250 million under mysterious circumstances have their rights too, and that includes the right to make a quarter of a billion dollars as a vulture capitalist killing off American jobs and asking for your vote while providing no answers about any of it.  Let freedom ring!

Of course, you have rights too, including the right to watch this documentary produced by people who used to work for Mitt Romney and being shown by Republicans as a warning to others in their own party not to buy this pig in a poke.

This is the story Willard Mittens Romney does not want you to see.

This is not only how Mr. Romney made his fortune -- it also speaks to the values he has.

Are these your values? Are these America's values?

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