Monday, September 9, 2013

Coffee and Provocation

The Medal Given for Dog Piss:
A medal that was given to a Great Dane in World War II for pissing on an incendiary bomb, has been sold.

Less Lyme Disease in California:
There's less Lyme disease in California that elsewhere because Western Fence Lizards eat so many ticks.

Bad Meat Sails Through USDA Inspection:
A program set to roll out across the U.S. has repeatedly failed to stop contaminated meat at pilot plants.
50,000 Stray Dogs in Detroit:
Face Time = Treat Time with iPooch:
iCPooch is an Internet enabled device that lets you video chat and deliver treats to your dog from anywhere in the world!  And yes, there's a Kickstarter campaign to fund it! 

Paranoia and Potatoes:
The East Germans once thought we were bombing them with bugs.

Petfinder Now Owned By Purina:, which was owned by Discovery, has been purchased by Purina.  This is a good thing -- more money from a dedicated player with a name brand.  Purina sees helping shelter dogs and encouraging working dogs as good ethics and good business.

Will Amazon Give You a Free Smart Phone?
This is coming soon enough -- a way to sell a new national newspaper (The Washington Post) and a way to put a dedicated store and advertising mechanism in your pocket.

I Blame Obama:
The birth rate for American teens fell to 29.4 births per 1,000 in 2012 — a six percent drop from 2011, alone. Data shows it fell for all ethnic groups.... A lot of the progress has been made in the last few years. The birth
 rate in 2007 was 41.5 births per 1,000 teenage girlsfalling almost 30 percent in the last five years.

Processed Food Is What Made Man
Here's the two-million year history of processed food. It's what has made us so successful and so healthy.

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