Saturday, December 7, 2013

Market Saturday

Another run to HMart, as the local farmer's market is looking pretty thin as winter is now on. This Korean market is excellent in many ways, but deficient in a few others. Variety makes the world go round, however, and I have no problem finding a Safeway.

I do not eat commercially caught or raised fish, as I have noted in the past. 

The harvest of the former cannot be sustained, and the latter tend to be loaded with antibiotics, heavy metals, or come with the burden of massive coastal destruction. 

That said, I am always fascinated by the variety of the ocean species on display in Asian markets.

This is what U.S. land species wildlife markets looked like just before we shot out all the deer, duck, elk, beaver, buffalo and wolf. The exploitation of ocean fisheries has been called "the last buffalo hunt" for a reason. It's only a matter of time before I take a picture of a species that goes extinct.

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