Saturday, June 11, 2011


It has been a week of breakthroughs.
Not always in the usual sense.
I refer to my broken toilet,
and broken porch light on a vintage timer that 
is no longer made, requiring new rewiring,
a broken garage door opener,
broken wi fi so daughter's computer won't work,
a broken pipe under my sink,
and now a flooded side yard
due to broken valves or some such thing.
No repairman in site that I can afford, and the
one I can afford has not shown up, and the other
has not returned my desperate phone calls.

Although I want to stamp and yell
or plunk down and cry,
I will do neither...

For this week has been spent cheering
 from the sidelines for my friends at their first
booth in a national show.
It has been a week spent reading 
alongside darling daughter.
It was a quick lunch with a dear friend 
recovering from many years of illness,
and a chance reunion with a friend 
who had slipped out of my life. 

The week was several phone calls
 from a far away friend always offering 
support and laughter in the midst of another 
personal disappointment that also came my way.
I caught myself thinking
"When is it my turn for things to be easy?" 
only to quickly retract 
the thought for my blessings are abundant.
These blessings come with each new daybreak.

I bend, I do not break.
I wish to remain like these sunflowers that 
touch almost to the ground in the raging storm and pop back up only to sway far over the other way.
Regardless, they always keep their sunny disposition.

This is me.

and how are you all doing? 
catch me up please..


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