Friday, October 2, 2009

Two Hundred Dead Pit Bulls a Day in Los Angeles?

Pit Bull Rescue Central says:

It is estimated that up to 200 Pit Bulls are killed EVERY DAY in Los Angeles County, CA, shelters alone because there are not enough homes for them. Imagine the number across the entire United States .... Before you breed, we urge you to volunteer at your local animal shelter so you can witness pet homelessness first hand.

Good information. Good advice. Well said.

But is it enough?

Considering the number of Pit Bulls that are killed every day in shelters across this country, and the apparent shortage of sane, sensible and informed people willing to adopt them, is mandatory Pit Bull sterilization really a bad idea in areas that are overrun with them?

Yes, folks can simply go outside their area to get a Pit Bull.

But most won't.

Most people are too lazy to even look up a simple news story, aren't they?

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