Monday, December 13, 2010

Normal People

What do normal people do when it is 2 am and they cannot sleep?
Do they make a winter wonderland for their departed relatives?
Is it just me? Am I admitting this?

Since I've exposed my quirks frequently here
 I will go one further.
My father's clock and the crystal ball?
I do stuff like this in my home...tuck in something that tickles
my fancy, the meaning observed by no one but me.

The Big Ben an homage to time passing.
The crystal ball, a hat's off to my 
Great Grandma Mamer, said to 
be a witch of sorts, at least to the extent that 
she would predict the sex of unborn babies. 
Also a query as to what the future
 holds if the past is represented here.

Remember we were discussing normalcy....?

The Z collection, a gift from darling daughter.
Photos of natural items discovered in our yard,
 then formed into Z's. 

Still not sleeping, of course everyone decides to 
make a coffee filter wreath around 3 am?
 Probably should do this when more awake, 
or you receive burned finger tips from glue gun.

An old friend around for many Christmases.

 Merry Merry!

I'll be napping this afternoon- just leave a message.


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