Sunday, January 23, 2011


You can't make just one.
You can't
Even when you stop 

 even then, they breed when you're not watching

they turn to the light

they gather in groups

and they huddle close

Wools  Felts  Roses LOVE
post script:

I have been making roses like this out 
of paper and fabric since my college float days.
Yeah, yeah a LONG time ago.
Similar versions are all over the web and blogs,
so maybe there are tutorials out there.

Anyway, my point is I did not design this method, it's been 
around longer than me... AGAIN a LONG time :D
and I do not plan to take credit for it,
 but because so many asked and I aim to please..
( after a couple hours of searching, I just knew I had seen it somewhere!)
 I came up with this pattern
 from Better Homes and Garden Creative Collection.
Let's give them the credit. It's the winter o9 edition page 94


Bet most of you still have it on your bookshelf.
Now my bookshelf is a mess after all this searching
 so I am going to go red up!  Thanks Jeanne( Western PA phrase) 

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