Darling daughter has always wanted these,
but when you have calves the size of your wrist,
your lower leg sorta flops around
in the top of the boot and you look
like a little kid playing dress up in your Mom's shoes.
Let me start at the beginning:
( whose name I have mispronounced for over a year, SO embarrassing, think Tanya with a CH)
would be visiting lala land this weekend.
We chatted briefly before her arrival about some things
she would like to do when she arrived
and Cowboy Boots topped the list.
Within about 10 minutes after picking her up,
we were surrounded by thousands of boots
at our local BOOT BARN.
Been here 34 years ~ never been there.
Only in blogland can you meet
someone in cyber space,
get to know each other via emails,
fly across the country, in her case, a
different country, have some strange woman
pick you up and cart you off to
buy cowboy boots. Ya gotta love it!
Within about 60 seconds we were checking
out the boots, being educated by staff
about python, reptile, and ostrich,
and brand names, heel styles etc.
Of course the first pair I spy that I want is around 300.00. Ostrich OUCH!
Chania narrows her search down to a delicious pair
with orange toppers and do you
think I can find a pic on their web site?
The closest I could find after 30 minutes of
searching was this- just picture orange.
(neither of us remembered cameras)
Off we went up to Boulder City, a 30 minute drive
for some mini antiquing, a lovely lunch, and
then a quick run back to my home,
where she met crazy Howie,
but could not pet him or
where she met crazy Howie,
but could not pet him or
he would pee on her shoes,
and also met DD soaking wet from a shower.
Hannah's room too messy to show,
my Krispy Christmas tree still waiting to come down.
Keeping it real folks.
All the while chatting and sharing and discovering that
we were both true to ourselves in our blogs.
No surprises. I expected to meet a warm,
intelligent, funny, sensitive woman
No surprises. I expected to meet a warm,
intelligent, funny, sensitive woman
with good insights and depth of character
and that is what I found.
I did not meet a stranger, I met a friend.
and that is what I found.
I did not meet a stranger, I met a friend.
I loved the look on her face when she
learned we could be antiquing in CA in about 4 hours!
"No way! I would have booked longer!"
Me....Come back for a road trip with my friends"
Ah, that feeling of friendship,
excitement over shared interests.
Next visit she'll stay with me and
Howie won't be nervous and probably
cuddle up in her bed if she'll let him.
He was already romantically licking her
socks and nuzzling her ankles while
we visited in my studio.
I was sad to return her to the hotel, but
her hubby and friends were waiting
for dinner and a show.
DD did a ride along on the return trip so
that we could stop at the BOOT BARN after
telling her that I had spied some coveted red boots.
34 years here never knowing of the BOOT BARN
and I go into the place twice in 1 day?
DD ended up with these, fitting her stick thin calves.
She wore them down to CA this morning, beaming and
ready to kick up her heels.
I came home to a text from Chania about
doing dinner tonight!
We may do some heel kickin' of our own.
Life is grand. WOOT
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