Monday, October 17, 2011

A Small Fright in the Backyard

I got home after dark tonight, but I was dedicated to putting in the new goldfish pond pump I bought late yesterday afternoon, and so the dark was not going to slow me down.

After wiring the pump base to a 5-gallon plastic bucket top, and cutting off the bottom of the bucket so the pump would sit at the right height on the submerged bucket top, I noticed that the dogs were barking up a frenetic storm in the back yard. 

What the hell?  It must be a fox, possum or raccoon.

I gathered up the pump and bucket and went down the dark path towards the pond, when a massive eight-point buck stormed me charging, antlers down, and the dogs hard behind him.  There was a fence to the left and a steep rise of land on the right.  The dogs and the little pond were behind, and only I was ahead of the deer, but there was nowhere else for me to go!. 

Thank God, the deer decided I was scarier than the dogs, and he whirled in mid-air, leaped over the two dogs, and then cleared the back fence sight unseen in the dark.  Jesus! 

I will move the camera trap back to the pond area and see if I can get a few shots of my backyard bucks and does this time of year.  They come around a lot, mostly to drink from the pond after the dogs have gone to bed.  I might get some good shots later this week.

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