Wednesday, December 14, 2011

And The Pathetic Politician Award Goes To...

And the Pathetic Pandering Politician Award goes to...

Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin.

Last month Governor Fallin went on an elk "hunt" at a 6,800-acre high-fence ranch where she shot a massive bull Elk that reportedly scored 425 inches and weighed 1,000 pounds.

Elk in Oklahoma?

No, not generally. There's a herd at the Wichita Mountain Wildlife Refuge, and some at Fort Sill and at the Pushmata Wildlife Management Area, but that is all.

But if you go to a pay-to-shoot canned hunt place, of course, you can shoot ANYTHING in this country.

The folks over at the Outdoor Life blog ginned up the idiot train by asking for comments without telling the lazy Internet-izens the full scope of this "high fence hunt" operation, so I did the incredibly heavy lifting of actually Googling "Wildcat Springs Ranch" in Stonewall, Oklahoma.

As I posted on the Outdoor Life blog:

Come on Ladies, DO THE RESEARCH.

This place is only 10 square miles and it says it has "hundreds of deer" elk, bison, hog and turkey.


This is a CANNED HUNT with trucked in critters that are fed.

This place says it has "over 35 miles of 8 foot high fencing" and "cross fencing for separate pastures."


We are shooting animals in fenced pastures??!!!!


Along with HUNDREDS of deer and elk, pigs, bison and turkey, this place says it has "Monster White-Tail Deer" that are "supplemented via protein and food plots."

That means they have trucked-in farm animals they feed at specific locations for easy shooting when they are in the "pastures."

Oh, and the "hunting blinds are heated and insulated" so no worries about the slightest bit of discomfort. You can watch TV from your IPAD while drinking a capucino!

Oh and along with all of those trucked in deer and elk and pigs and bison and turkeys in pastures, this place also has Watusi cattle, Oryx, and Ibex.



Watusi cattle?!

CANNED HUNT of non-native species.

How SAD is it that the nature of this place is even being debated for one second.

This country is FULL of Pittman-Robertson land, National Forest land, BLM land, and private land. It is running deep with whitetail, turkey, elk, pig and coyote to say nothing of rabbits, squirrels, duck, geese, and a dozen other small and big game species.

If you cannot find them, you are not very interested in hunting.

Is it too much to ask that we demand that people return to hunting and fishing like adults?

Here's a hint: If your hunting place comes with an "Entertainment Pavilion" then maybe you're not hunting at all.

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