Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Newt Gingrich: Gun Grabber and Global Warmer?

The video, above, speaks for itself.

So too does Georgia Gun Owners, a grassroots gun rights group from Newt Gingrich's home state of Georgia that is blasting Gingrich for "his more than two-decade history of supporting gun control." The group has asked its 6,000 (a massive membership for a state organization) to call Gingrich's new Iowa headquarters and make their complaints known.

In their press release, which they sent out yesterday morning, the group blasted with a few simple facts:

While Newt used the institutional gun lobby as a mouthpiece to convince millions of gun owners nationwide that "as long as he is Speaker, no gun-control legislation is going to move in committee or on the House floor," he was working behind the scenes to pass gun control.

In 1996, Newt Gingrich turned his back on gun owners and voted for the anti-gun Brady Campaign's Lautenberg Gun Ban, which strips the Second Amendment rights of citizens involved in misdemeanor domestic violence charges or temporary protection orders -- in some cases for actions as minor as spanking a child.

Gingrich also stood shoulder to shoulder with Nancy Pelosi to pass the "Criminal Safezones Act" which prevents armed citizens from defending themselves in certain arbitrary locations. Virtually all Americans know that Criminal Safezones don't protect law-abiding citizens, but actually protect the criminals who ignore them.


And for the record Newt doesn't hunt
and he doesn't fish, and so far as I can tell he doesn't even own a dog, much less a hunting dog.

What he DOES do is cheat on his wives and dump them when they are sick (he has done that TWICE already), cheat on taxes, take payola, and lie to fellow members of Congress (he was censured for all of that and had to pay a $300,000 fine imposed by his fellow Republican members of Congress who tried to dump him as Speaker).

Obama fishing the East Gallatin, Montana.

Some part of me says maybe we should keep the Kenyan in the White House.

At least he doesn't cheat on his wife (Michelle would cut it off and toss it to the dog).

He pays his taxes.

He fishes (likes it so much, in fact, that the White House staff gave him a fly rod for his birthday).

He even has a dog that maybe could retrieve a duck if it had a little field training.

Plus the Kenyan fellow
has really supported the Second Amendment -- he even filed a Supreme Court brief in support of it.

It may turn out that the Democrat Kenyan is the only good American conservative in this race.

How ironic is that?

And lest, you think I am alone in this take, read what they have to say over at the arch-conservative Hot Air blog where they say it's better to put up Ron Paul and lose with principles than field the likes of Gingrich and Romney which would leave the GOP a tattered wreck (and a joke) for a generation to come.

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