Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Coffee and Provocation

Veterinarians Continue to Rip People Off:
I have written about it before here and here and here, but here's the latest version of the vaccine con you might hear the next time you go to the vet.

Dogs Can See Color:
Well, mostly.  Some of them, at least.  This is news to most of you.

Carrying the Terriers on a Bike?
The best bike for the job might be the xtracycle which makes long-tail carriers and panniers as well as special cargo bikes.  Check it out!

A Little Something for the Cats?
Why I have no tolerance for feral cats, I rather like true domestics (inside or out) and for those who have such cats here are a few great ideas for building your house around them.  Some cool stuff here!

Giant Tortoises Return to Pinzon Island:
After more than 100 years, Galápagos giant tortoises are returning to Pinzón Island in the Galápagos after conservationists cleared it of invasive rats.

Coffee Beans are Not Beans:
They are the pit of a fruit.

A $330,000 Hamburger that Tastes Like Crap:
It''s made from lab-grown meat made from cow cells.  An yes, meat without fat tastes like crap.

Comedians Getting Coffee in Cars:
Yes, there is a whole web site devoted to this.  Is America great, or what?  Here's Chris Rock getting coffee with Jerry Seinfeld in a 1966 Lamborghini.

Viagra Can Keep Cut Flowers Standing:
Viagra can keep flowers standing for a week longer than normal.

U.S. Army Says Get the Lead Out of Ammunition:
The U.S. Army announced this month that it has developed nonlead cartridges for rifles commonly used by soldiers in training and in the field. "The military is so pleased with the performance of its new nonlead cartridges that it developing the munitions for additional weapons. The switch to the new 'green' bullet in 2010 has eliminated nearly two thousand tons of lead from the waste stream, according to the Army’s Picatinny Arsenal.... While the cost of nonlead bullets is great than that of lead counterparts, military officials have noted that the cost of closing facilities or cleaning lead contamination makes the nonlead ammunition a less expensive option in the long-range."

NRA Declares War on Those Who Want to Get the Lead Out:
The National Rifle Association announced a new plan to target scientists, environmental groups, government regulators and individuals who favor banning the use of lead in gun ammunition.  Right.  See above, and we wish the NRA good luck in fighting the U.S. Army.

Damn Ninja Apes:
They're ruining the property values (with picture goodness).

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