Thursday, December 17, 2009

Eat Our Way Out of an Invasive Species Invasion?

Over at The Guardian, they suggest that Britain might be able to eat its way out of its invasive species invasion.

Right. Has that ever worked?

Rats and Rabbits are not native to the U.K., but no one is even trying to eat the former, while the latter have been shot, snared, netted, feretted and trapped since the year 1000, but the numbers are still high and everyone seems quite happy with that.

Here in the U.S., we are overrun with Starlings, English Sparrows, Red Fox, Pigeons, Zebra Mussells, and Carp, but there is no one even trying to make a dent in them.

Pheasants? Sure, they too are an introduced species, but they are losing ground under a changing agricultural landscape. The Brown trout is not native, but for the most part no one seems to be complaining, and in fact some are singing their praises.

Cookbooks for Coypu (aka Nutria) have not made much of a dent in their populations anywhere.

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