Saturday, December 5, 2009

Inflated Concrete Cloth Structures

A million years ago, I worked in yard that built concrete sailboats.

Concrete sailboats? How does that work? Concrete doesn't float!

Right. Neither does steel. The issue is displacement.

Concrete is, in my opinion, the finest material in the world to make a large cruising sailboat out of, provided it is professionally built.

All of this to say that for more than 30 years, I have had an interest in the potential of liquid rock as a low-cost solution for grain and water storage, housing, water transport, roofing, and even boats.

But inflatable concrete? My mind boggles at the thought, and then salutes it.


Wouldn't this be great stuff for a dog house? Think about it. ... an inflatable concrete dog house. In a box.


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