Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Mountain in the Woods

On Monday I left the dogs at the house and went to a patch of woods near the house, where I tracked too small groups of deer. One group had four does, and another had six does with a 4-prong buck in attendance.

Having spent some time tracking deer in these same woods during last year's snow, I was happy (and a bit amazed) to find I could locate deer quickly in the deep ravines where I now know they jungle up during the day. Due to wet ground and slow movement on my part, I was able to get within about 60 feet of the four does. Nice!

On Tuesday, Mountain and I hit the woods. Nothing was found to ground, which was as expected this time of year, as it's still far too warm for fox, and the groundhog are hibernating. In the woods, raccoons will generally den in the tree.

In truth, I was not too disappointed to not be digging, as the ground was still very logy and wet. On the upside, I got a few pictures of Mountain while she pinged on the squirrels in the trees.


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