Sunday, October 2, 2011

Dog Poop Power?

In March of 1922 Modern Mechanix magazine wrote:
SEWAGE that costs large cities tremendous sums each year can be turned into a source of power equivalent to thousands of tons of coal! The waste now dumped into rivers or shipped to sea may be used to run factories or to light buildings!

In 2006, San Francisco waste management company Norcal Waste planned a pilot program to turn the 6,500 tons of doggie doo generated annually into methane gas which could be used to power anything that also ran on natural gas. Sadly, however, "doggy do" never lived up to it's methane potential.

Never one to let a silly idea drop, folks in Massachusetts and Phoenix have invested incredible amounts of time and energy into generating enough dog poop methane to run single park lights.

Now, the latest "poop power" idea comes from Toto (yes, like the Wizard of Oz terrier), Japan's foremost toilet manufacturer, which has made a motorized tricycle that runs on human crap.


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