Solitary confinement makes all animals, and even man himself, more or less idiotic, and if any dog is to be rendered as sagacious as possible, he must be constantly associated with his master. Hence it is that the poacher's dog is much more clever than the fair sportsman's, for, being the constant companion and friend of his master, he understands every word he says, and is ready also to communicate his own ideas in return. - J.H. Walsh, 1859
Do kennels make dogs stupid?
One thing is certain: a dog that is kenneled and rarely let out has a lot less experience in the world. As a consequence, these dogs are far more likely to be overwhelmed by sensory overload when they do get out in the world, and are far less likely to pick up on their owner's cues. Conversely, their owners are far less likely to pick up on their dog's cues in the field.
It is completely unfair to a dog to kennel it 50 weeks a year, throw it out in a field a couple of times a year, and expect it to perform as a hunting dog.
And yet, how many people do this and then declare the dog less than satisfactory because it will not perform to the same level as the dog that is in the living room and in the field week after week?
Bottom line: Far more owners fail dogs than dogs fail owners.
An average dog can often be made better than satisfactory, if not extraordinary, by simply placing it in the right hands and giving it a lot of field experience. Sadly, there are for more dogs that need such owners and such circumstance, than there are people willing and able to provide it.
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