Sunday, December 14, 2008

Coffee and Provocation

I have recently added a few dogs links to the blog roll, including:

  • Retrieverman is an excellent blog on all things retriever (with a little bit of other dog stuff thrown in). This one is on my Google Reader, along with...

  • Smart Dog's Weblog, whch is a delighful blog with a nice eclectic mix of dog stuff. Check it out! Another addition burned into Google Reader is ...

  • Cold Wet Nose, Beverley Cuddy's blog, which is a sidecar to her extremely well done magazine, Dogs Today (Britain's biggest and best dog magazine) which is a dog magazine that actually has substantive things to say about dogs. This magazine really stands out. To subscribe.

  • Lassie Get Help continues to kick ass and take names. I particularly recommend reading What a terrible crime! We must execute the victims at once.

  • Raised by Wolves is another blog on the blogroll and burned into my Google Reader which I recommed. Check it out!

I have also added a few dog health links to the blog roll, including:

Other Bits and Pieces:

  • A fire-breathing robo-dog has been built. Yes, this is true. Check out the video and be scared. Very scared.

  • Owl Tattoo blog - So specific! Nothing but owl tattoos.

  • The 2009 Elk Hunt in Tennessee will be the first one since 1865.

  • Because contractor Kellogg, Brown & Root (KBR) has not been properly incinerating human remains in Iraq, dogs over there have been seen running around with human limbs in their mouth. Your tax dollars at work.

  • A 2,700 year-old marijuana smoking stash was found in a Gobi Desert grave near Turpan, China. We know this marijuana was for smoking, as the male plants had been picked out, and it was a cultivated strain.

  • Full editions of Popular Science all the way back to 1872 are now online at Google books. Check it out! A treasure trove and a time machine of dashed hopes, all in one.

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