Thursday, August 21, 2008

BBC: Pedigree Dogs Exposed

Below are links to the BBC show Pedigree Dogs Exposed. It is, as the producers correctly put it, "the greatest animal welfare scandal of our time."

Watch the whole thing. And then read Inbred Thinking for a little history of how we got into this mess.

As for producer Jemima Harrison, hat's off! You have put into video the true story of the Kennel Club, and you have held up the camera lens as a mirror.

If it looks ugly, it is because it is ugly.

If it looks immoral, it's because it is immoral.

If it looks ignorant, it's because it is ignorant.

And you want to know the hilarity of it? The ugliness, immorality and stupidity does not stop! In response to this show, The Kennel Club has gone out and hired a publicity machine which is spending hundreds of thousands of dollars buying "Google search terms" in order to steer people to the Kennel Club's site where ... wait for it ... a Dalmatian is the entry point graphic.

A Dalmatian! A breed beset by congenital deafness, and where bad temperament is a way of life!

A Dalmatian! The mind reels.


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