Thursday, October 7, 2010

Junk Drawer

If you lived in a house with shelves like this:
(yep, those spices are in alphabetical order)
you would probably expect to see a junk drawer,

like this..

...and yep, that is my junk drawer.
Now why would that be an issue? Well, the photo challenge
at Razmataz this Friday is Junk Drawer.

The challenge is an excellent exercise, perhaps meant to examine
our personalities or the quirkiness of our possessions.
What can I say? I'm tidy.
Not obsessive, not overly clean, TIDY....
and prepared, as you can see by the articles in said JD.
A wind up emergency radio and flashlight,
small tools easily assessable even though garage full
of tools is a mere five steps away, phone chargers etc.

I actually considered, for about a minute, "faking" a drawer, how
weird is that? That I would try to look messy? Now THAT
shows something in my personality, any arm chair
psychologists want to weigh in?

Oddly enough, I am not overly tidy in every area
of my life or my home. I hate filing away paid bills and forms
and at times they pile up for months before they are perfectly
put into their expertly labeled folders.

My clothes are hung by type, length of sleeve and by color.
I have at least 10 hours of ironing in a basket on the closet floor.
The pile has been there an equal amount of months.

so, if we are still examining the psyche behind my junk drawer?
I appear to have a split personality.


I'm just nuts.

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