Thursday, October 14, 2010

Pardon the Pride

That's my darling daughter behind the camera.

Her documentary "The World's Happiest Man" has just been selected
for a new documentary festival DOC NYC.
Mama and her Papa are as proud as punch.
Her film was nominated, then selected, to be part of the
Kanbar Film & Television Documentary Projects, if I have my info correct.
You Go Girl!

Create Change - The World Will Thank You
Project Genesis November 1st

We need to pick up some momentum here gang,
remember it can be a big grandiose post or itsy bitsy.
Just stick to the rules and c'mon make a difference.
Yes, people ( hundreds) read them. All of them. I can tell by
the analytical, so every PG blog is affecting change.
I still get emails from people telling me how waving
a vinegar soaked rag in the air really does
remove nasty kitchen odors.

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